Parent References

Thank you again for helping my children “find themselves”. Your work and guidance are amazing and so, so appreciated.  

Tiffany S.

Thank you for working with our daughter on her college application process. Your help and guidance made the process less stressful.  

Marissa H.

Not having experienced college education in the United States we had little knowledge about the essay writing process and were very unsure of how to guide our daughter, Surabhi. After hearing from our school counselor that essay writing is very a daunting process, we decided to seek help from Judith. It was the best decision we could have made!

Surabhi had several ideas for her essays but it was Judith who very patiently guided and inspired Surabhi until she was convinced that she had given each essay her very best. Through the process, Surabhi metamorphosed as a writer and with every essay her writings only got better. Had it not been for Judith, Surabhi would have never realized her potential as a writer. Judith also made sure that she stayed on schedule and was able to meet the application deadlines.

We feel very fortunate that Surabhi found a mentor and a friend in Judith who helped her believe in herself and realize her true potential. We highly recommend Judith!!

Vivek and Kavita G

The prospect of having twin boys with great ambition filling out college applications which required many supplemental essays in addition to the common application essay was overwhelming to me as a mother. (It is all about me) inside joke. When I received Judy’s brochure in the mail it immediately spoke to me. I called and spent an hour on the phone with her describing my two boys and the differences between them and what they would potentially need help with. Judy described a process that would be much like a creative writing course that would have the benefit of turning out essays for the many college applications. It was imperative to me that the boys write these themselves so that their true personality and interest showed. I was reassured that she would be there to inspire, guide, encourage and help edit, the boys would be doing the writing.

Both boys were very receptive to this when I suggested it. After their first meeting with Judy they had a plan. Judy kept them on schedule and encouraged them constantly and the boys truly enjoyed the time that they spent with her.. She was always free to discuss with me if I had any questions or concerns and I was impressed with the essays that they wrote. Both of my boys were admitted early action to Georgetown and will be attending in the fall. Thank you Judy for all your hard work and encouragement with Owen and Philip. This was crucial for the Georgetown application in particular which required several essays and did not accept the common application. Go Hoyas!

Christine C., mother of Philip & Owen

“You have a remarkable ability to help young people access their unique qualities and then help bring them to life in their essays. So much so, that my son received an email from a University acknowledging the thoughtfulness of his essay and describing it as standing out among many. WOW!!! Who could ask for anything more? Judy, thank you for your excellence.”

Alan P., father of Joel

“Being faced with challenges, struggles, and adversity unfortunately is a part of life. True character is displayed in how well one deals with these hardships. The Admissions Committee at the University of Pittsburgh reads thousands of essays each year, and your essay resonated with us. Your perseverance and determination are to be admired. We thank you for sharing your experiences with us.”

Admissions’ Officer – The University of Pittsburgh

Thank you so much for all your help in getting his essays completed. I am convinced that the quality of these essays contributed greatly to the acceptances he has already received. We definitely would not have gotten through this process without your help. My Only regret is that we didn't know you when Zac's older brother was writing his college essays!

Carrie F.

On behalf of the Admissions Committee, thank you for submitting a personal essay with your application for admission.

Embarking upon a new and foreign journey is an achievement to be proud of. Many think about it, but few actually do it. We commend you for taking action and desiring to step outside of your comfort zone. The Admissions Committee reads thousands of essays each year regarding international experiences. Your essay thoughtfully highlighted your experiences as well as your interest in attending Pitt and we thought it stood out among many. Thank you for your submission.

University Admissions Officer

Judy Donato employs a motivational and empowering approach to college application writing in a relaxed, fun and entertaining environment. She is a dedicated professional, passionate about her work and ever-mindful of meeting those looming application deadlines. Over the three month period composing their diverse and numerous application essays my three children never once expressed any complaint; in fact they truly looked forward to and enjoyed their weekly 'get-togethers' with Mrs. Donato. Well aware and understanding of the busy lives and demands placed upon our high school teens today, Judy brilliantly inspired my children to compose stunning, captivating and well-thought out essays. Her expertise and experience was invaluable.

Nancy C.

My daughter Sam worked with Judy on her Common App Essay and each individual essay for all of her college applications. Judy had an amazing ability to draw out from Sam what Sam herself wanted to say, and not what Judy wanted to say. Judy never lost patience with the long process, and helped Sam to understand that many, many drafts were needed. Sam never gave up on any of her essays, and in the end they were all fabulous. Sam got into some great schools, and I don't think she would have been able to do that if she weren't able, through Judy's coaching, to express herself.

Barbara T. Ilsen, Esq.

Peter and I would like to thank you for so graciously and expertly shepherding Kaley through her college essay process. You always remained positive and patient with her. It was inspiring to see how Kaley’s “voice” remained in her writing after working with you, yet the improvement of the writing was 180 degrees better.

Marla D. N.

Judith Donato was heartening to my son. Her keen wit and insight helped him complete one of the more difficult tasks required for college acceptance. Through personal conversations, Judy gave my son a wonderful perspective about himself. He was able to tell the story about who he is in such a creative way. He was actually excited because she engineered the path for him to write his college essay in an imaginative way, that he did not even fret over the experience. I thank Judy for her expertise in mentoring my son.

Carolyn C.

We just found out that Michelle got admitted to U of Chicago!!! For early admission round, she has been admitted to Georgetown and U of Chicago. We are so happy for her and highly appreciate your help on her essays! We feel so fortunate to have you as Michelle's essay coach! All I could say was THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Wenshi G.

Hiring Judy Donato to guide my daughter through the essay portion of her college applications was the smartest thing I could have done. Judy’s writing experience, along with her encouragement, helped my daughter tap into her own creative writing abilities. My daughter was inspired to spend her time working and reworking her essay until she was pleased with the product she produced. My daughter was happy and most importantly I was happy to remove myself from the process.

Shirley G.

Thank you Judy! Your sense of humor, brilliant ideas, encouragement, and teaching-style helped our son produce compelling college essays. The college application process was stressful. You improved his writing style, kept him on track, and helped him meet deadlines. It was wonderful to sit on the sidelines and watch his progress without having to nudge him along.

We are thrilled with the end result. Thank you for being a great teacher, role model, and wordsmith extraordinaire! We highly recommend your services.

Laura B.

I heard from several High School Counselors that the essay is often the deciding factor when choosing students for their school. It is the only section of the application where you can truly show your individuality. My daughter had an idea for her essay, but wasn’t sure how to make it work. Judy helped her to develop ideas and present them in a way that showed why she would be an asset to their school. To have someone with writing experience and expertise is invaluable. I am sure most students have a “dream” school, and with Judy’s assistance my daughter was able to fulfill her dream.

Barb A.